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Frequently Asked Questions

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Lawfully present noncitizens of the United States who meet all eligibility requirements can qualify for Social Security benefits. This rule also applies to noncitizens authorized to work in the United States who got a Social Security number after December 2003. For more information visit our Immigration page.

Noncitizens of the United States must meet certain requirements to continue receiving benefits outside of the United States. We stop payments to noncitizens who do not meet these requirements after they are outside the United States for 6 calendar months in a row. If we stopped your payments, we will not start them again until you return to the United States and remain for a full calendar month. For more information visit our International Programs page.

Some noncitizens may qualify for SSI. However, the SSI eligibility requirements are different from those for Social Security benefits.

For information on SSI go visit our Supplemental Security Income (SSI) For Noncitizens or Spotlight On SSI Benefits For Aliens pages.

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